Monday, February 16, 2009

Women in the special forces?

I posted this on Armed Forces of the World Discussion Board on role of women in special forces.
Just tune out the politically correct gene and see who would be the best suited to protect your family, friends and country. In purely physical terms no average women can come close to an average man and even if some exceptional ones do then there are way too many complications and I am not even talking about the mental toughness part yet.

Combat has been and will always be a man's domain and armies who ignore this reality will pay for it dearly at the cost of weakening their armies. Women can be used in other roles which don't require direct physical confrontation like they did during WW-II where without their contributions in manufacturing (making planes and bombs etc.), spotting targets using aerial pics etc. it would have been near impossible to win the war.

People back then understood how to use the resources and allocating them where they were best suited. They were smart people who rescued the world from Nazis- lets not weaken our war with the new Nazis and lets for their and future generations sake and most importantly for our present generation's sake- go give them hell without loosing focus.

I have talked about the Israeli situation on a new post "debunking israeli women-in-combat myth.


Unknown said...

I agree with your views completely - very aptly written .

Anonymous said...

I also agree. Did you know that an eighteen year old female in basic training has the same two mile running requirement as a forty year old male? If you did hold women to the same standards as men, there would be so few women that it would hardly be worth the cost of the additional accommodations.

Anonymous said...

"Combat has been and will always be a man's domain and armies who ignore this reality will pay for it dearly at the cost of weakening their armies. Women can be used in other roles which don't require direct physical confrontation ..."

What about the the War of Independence (1948) in which Israeli women engaged in combat? From what I've researched, they functioned very well.

As far as I can determine, moreover, there were no differences in the physical requirements for either male or female soldiers--except that all were expected to kill the enemy.

Which they all did quite effectively, IIRC.

Anonymous said...

"What about the the War of Independence (1948) in which Israeli women engaged in combat? From what I've researched, they functioned very well."

Very well compared to what? An acute personal shortage. Of course! An equal number of men. I doubt it.

Objectiveman said...

Well said Jeff. I have talked about the Israeli situation on a new post "debunking israeli women-in-combat myth.

Anonymous said...

I'm woman. And I'd seriously like to join SF. That's not fair that I can not be tested and proper role can't be found for those who wants it.